Covid 19 laser cut face shield

Hi I hope this link works for a smaller design that fits on an A3+ PP folder covers as thats what we have been using. Also tested an electric strelliser for those like me that are recycling materials. It works a treat.

[A3+ files PP folders are just over A3 so it’s 430 x 305]


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Hi Fiee, would it not be more material efficient to cut one piece per A3?
Something like these:

H = the Headband
S = the standoff
A = the adjusting strap


Try phoning Drs surgeries or clinics, once word gets out they will want them all!
We have delivered to surgeries, midwives, and the local hospitals.

If you are in a school, get them to put it on their social media accounts, worked for us!


Firstly, amazing effort all, well done.

A little late to the game, but have ordered plenty of stock and will put both my machines to use when it arrives on Tuesday.

Is anyone else running Laserscript and have a ready to go file? Or is the .DXF file in the download section working ok on this software?


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DXFs work fine on laserscript.
Dont know what size machines you have, but you may want to tinker with the files to get the most out of each sheet.
I have been getting 12 sets (well, less 2 headbands) from a 650 x 550 sheet.
Just need to tinker with % power and speed to optimise.

Happy burning!

Legend, thanks Phil.

I’ve got a 1290 and a 6090. I’ve ordered the 1050x750 sheets. Will have a tinker with files.

Thanks again


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Hi I’d like to make some masks for my mums care home. I have an A3 laser bed and use Corel Draw and Lasercut 5.3. I downloaded the svg files but the size doesn’t look big enough. Can anyone help me out please. Thank you.

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Give me a few minutes Holly and I will convert the 2d design files I mentioned in a previous post to dxf files for you, need to shut down Linux and fire up windoze!!


We have an LS6090, let me know if you need files.


Perfect, same same mate, LS6090 and LS1290, if i could garb a workable file, that would be great.

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Here ya go Holly.
The numbers on each sheet are just whatever I could fit on them, really designed for ‘mass’ production.

If you only need to make a limited amount, I will work up a file with as many on 1 or 2 sheets as I can, just sorting Lee out first!


Thank you so much for your help. I’ll have a go.

Here you go Lee

There is a sheet that has:
10 Headbands
12 standoffs
12 adjuster straps

The 24H sheet has 25 headbands on it to make up the shortfall on the other.

Most of ours have been going out multicoloured, we reckoned it fitted with the draw a rainbow for the NHS theme :grin: :man_shrugging:

Phil, you absolute legend…thanks mate.

I await the PP and will then get cracking. Just emailing the local care homes and GP practices now to see who wants what.

Hi Phil
I’m having a bit of trouble with the dxf files. I can’t import them into Corel Do you have them as svg by any chance?
Sorry and thank you so much.

Trying to convert them, bear with me!

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Lee, tell them to pass on the info if they are useful to them… you will be suprised how big the jungle telegraph is out there!

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Ok, as requested by Smokey, I am about to load all the relevant files that I have to the new thread:

You can get them all there, check this thread if you have requested files and do not yet have them.
Sililarly, if you have requests, please post them there.

Holly, I have downloaded a 15 day free trial of Corel 2020, if you open a new (A3) corel document then from the file menu ‘import’, they seem to import OK.

I have put corel files in the link I just posted, any probs, let me know.

Hi, This is coming out very large in Inkscape (220 x 104mm) – do you have the width and height dims and I’l scale it before cutting

EDIT: that looks like the right size (Illustrator which is our print driver (!) was scaling it up from that)

Hello All,

i’ve got a modification to the adjustable strap I think is worth sharing.
It speeds up cutting time by 26% , let me know where to upload the file if you think it useful.

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