Is dxf R13 the ONLY format that Lasercut 5.3 will accept?

I use a Just add Sharks Blacknose 40W Laser cutter with LaserCut 5.3
It seems it is only able to accept dxf-files in the R13.
My Illustrator CS6 is able to save in the dxf R13 format - however I would love for my students to be able to use Inkscape to create their files.
But only very old versions of Inkscape can save in the R13 format.
are there any workarounds for this of any kind
Please advice :slight_smile:

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could you not have a single copy of an old version of Inkscape on the machine connected to the laser.
Students create their DXF on the latest Inkscape then use the old version to convert the student DXF to R13?

Not a fix but a possible workaround.

I shall have to do some experimenting, I don’t think I’ve used the newer versions of Inkscape.