Hi All,
Being in almost lockdown soon (GB) I decided to get my old Redsail laser ( using LaserCut 5.3) up and running but its giving me some problems that I hope someone can help me with before I have to part with hundreds of pounds calling out the supplier. In short here is a brief summary of whats happening…
- After testing the engraving profile the machine starts engraving as expected.
- X axis slows down.
- Y axis stays at normal speed.
- Laser continues to engrave but seems the X axis has stepped to the left and the file is narrowed so the engraving is squashed.
- Power seems to increase but this could just be the narrowing of the file.
- Stopping the machine and testing the X and Y travel, the Y axis will move at normal speed and to full length of the bed. However the X axis moves very slowly and will on travel half of the bed.
Any help would be gratefully received.
Thank you in advance and stay safe.