Hi Guys,
If anyone had intentions of selling these, then the CE Approval would be the way to go, however, due to the prolonged interrogation process you have to endure to get this Technical Specification, to satisfy Annex II of the PPE Regulation EU 2016/425, the majority of people are donating these FOC to whoever needs these.
I am based in Belfast and the criteria surrounding these items are astronomical and very time consuming, by the time everything is completed to obtain the CE Certification, hopefully the issue of needing the face shields will be resolved ( fingers crossed )
The design was absolutely brilliant and you all have to be congratulated on that regard and we should all be tipping our hats to you for that. I have made a few tweaks here and there to get the best from my laser, but, overall an excellent design - well done !
I will just keep producing the face shields until the demand runs out and donating these to whoever wants them.
Thanks again for everything.