General discussion - LASER CUT PPE/FACE SHIELDS

Are you using a 2 hole punch on the A6 setting? The 888 setting or the A5 setting on a 2 hole punch is no good. If you are using a 4 hole punch… also no good for this design.

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I’m trying out an extra slot in each end tab of the top cover to secure it a little more

Experimenting now, and will share

Anyone else had the top bit come off in transport/packing?

On the top cover, I’m yet to have a hospital or clinic request it even though they’ve seen it and have samples etc. Doesn’t seem to be something they need.

However I’ve also notice a lot of folks putting h the cover on after the shield, of you put it on before the shield then it holds to my knowledge.

I’ve been trying to get the tops on before visors, but just doesn’t seem to work… maybe it’s a slight inaccuracy in our hole punch…

We gave up on the tops, they were fiddly to fit and just a) used up PP we could use for more visors b) slowed up how quickly we could assemble them.
On Friday PM we had a stream of cars arriving to pick up!

What thickness of PP are you using @Dermot and what thickness of PVC/Acetate for the shield?

The top cover was to address the large numbers of hobby-engineers who said it must have a top cover. With the exception of one or two individual medical professionals, who for their specific situation needed a top cover, I’ve yet to have any of the PPE folks at the hospitals and GP practices and clinics (i.e. the central coordinators) request them.

I trialed one using 0.8mm and it was not easy to fit/keep in place

No doubt the files would benefit from a tweak. It’s not been a high priority, due to lack of demand. Really it was to placate the “MUST HAVE A TOP” lobby!

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I fully understand, we are struggling to keep up with demand for basic ones.
Not had a single request for top piece.

Unlike, testing and apps, any face shield is better than no face shield!

Hello Everyone, you’ve all done a superb job of getting lots and lots of PPE into the hands of front line health care staff, care homes, for key workers and the rest!

I’m getting a real sense of a sudden drop in the call for face shields. Our biggest “customer” in Nottingham just confirmed they have a good supply of face shields and also a supply of the kite-marked BS standard shields now too.

My team are finishing up the materials we have cut into flat packs and bags of 26 complete face shields for smaller groups and care homes, but I suspect I’ll have a big pile of them left at the end. I think it’s important at this point to reflect. We should be ready to fire up the machinery should it be needed and ready to flex our design muscles should a different challenge arise too! But for now, it feels like we’re nearing the end of the PPE crisis, though we’re probably still in the early days of the Corona Virus Crisis.

I’d encourage you to think about responsible and environmentally ethical ways to dispose or reuse any surplus face shields and parts you have. For my part I’ve stopped cutting for now as not to waste he PP sheets I have left (about 45). What news can you bring me from where you are? Have you reached out to the folks you’re supplying to see if they still have need? Let me know if you know of somewhere still desperate for shields, as I suspect the glut won’t be uniform in all areas.

At the start of this, when I was still 3D printing at home, I anticipated that I’d be providing a few dozen shields as a stop gap for a week or so until “big industry” kicked in to make something less ad-hoc. It’s gone on a lot longer than I thought!

I want to draw peoples attention to my friend Sean Drummond who drew up the original polypropylene face shield design, I’ve seen dozens of schools and design firms claiming it’s is their “own” design, I suppose once you’ve laid it out in a cutting software or made some small tweaks, it IS your design. I’ve not heard Sean be anything other than humble about his part in it. If you thought his design was good, maybe you should go say so on his Linked In page.

I’d also like to take a little time to thanks @phillw who has been here helping lots of you with the forum and your work on the face shields. Thank you so much Phill. You’ve made things much easier for me during this time by taking away much of the stress of looking after people here on the community.

I really hope many of you will stay and ask for help with your laser cutters, or show other people how to find this forum. It’s to help anyone who has a laser cutter problem. I started it after I saw how horribly toxic and masculine places like Sawmillcreek and Facebook help groups can be. The facebook groups especially annoyed me as there wasn’t 2 serious answer in any 100 answers given.

As a reminder, Smoke & Mirrors is a UK based laser cutter sales, service, repair and support company and we specialise in helping makers and schools keep their laser cutters running! We sell all sorts of mirrors and lenses (check the shop icon at the top). But really our main service is to help you get the most out of the laser cutter you have. If you’re not sure about something, we’ve probably got a helpful hint or video or can give you an idea here on the forum.

Well done everyone. Your face shields have certainly saved lives!

Dominic aka Smokey


Big up to you and your team for taking the lead on this.

I think we are still supplying plenty to care homes.
To all the cutters out there, I thank you for your time and effort. Just goes to show you what a collective effort, for a common good, can do.

If you do find yourself with excess shields, do ring round the care homes.

Smokey has found himself another customer in the wilds of the NE.

Ill still be hanging around here if you need anything I can be of use with.

Stay healthy.

OK its nearly 11am. so I’ll sign off for now.


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I was on Radio 4’s PM talking about laser cut PPE yesterday

about 1 hour 14 mins.

In the full interview there was mention of the many makers and schools doing the same, but it all got edited down to a cozy 3 or 4 mins! Well done everyone.


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Nice one Smokey :grinning:

Good to see some recognition go in the right direction.

Well done mate.

If anyone is struggling for clear plastic for face shields, I have a contact. DM me!!

Hi All,
Firstly let me say a BIG Thank you for the initial support I received and for the original Design from Kitronik and Smoke and Mirrors, I didn’t alter the design apart from to optimise for my laser cutter. On every bag of Faceshields I sent out we sent a sticker on it to Thank Kitronik and Smoke and Mirrors for their Design…So Thank you for starting the laser cutter face shield (as the stop-gap solution that was needed).
I cut my first Face Shield on April 6th and joined forces with 2 other Laser cutters soon after (small team of 11 emerged), originally I was working at school - 1 day, soon realised I needed to take it home to increase production fast. In total we have sent out 4012 Face Shields to 100 different places and raised just over £6000 for material costs and Laser Cutter services, any remainder will be donated to other good causes.
Over the last Week the drop in demand has reduced considerably and stopped cutting last week. We initially followed up on first requests to see if they were Ok and some needed more, which we supplied, most were fine. Last weekend we got another request for 500 as a big care home had been asking for donations to buy Face Shields at £15.00, I told them I could provide them with free ones instead and shown them the image, which they were very grateful for.
When I have to go back to school and take the laser cutter back I may be looking to purchase one for myself, any ideas (not too big).
Thank again…for an amazing journey and being able to help out when it was needed! (The Big Boys can take over now)
Nicole x


What part of the world Nicole?

We have shifted 1500 in the Durham area, and have ability for 2500 more. We are not the only school shifting them either!

Leicestershire, first post on Facebook created 1500 requests in 2 days, then gradual now Big Boys caught up with “proper” CE markings etc…
There have been a few schools doing them too…a great quick stop-gap solution!

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Where in Leics? I used to teach in Mkt Harborough.

Leics Grammar managed to enlist a companies laser cutters!

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Anstey in Leics. I work as a Design Technician at Martin High School. X


Thank you so much, this is great! You’re quite local to me too, Smoke & Mirrors are in Nottingham!

You’re welcome. I thought our work was done but our Trust I work for (schools) have just asked us to make 1000 face shields for when the staff (eventually) go back!! I guess I may hit the 5000 mark!!

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